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The IEG Fellowships for Doctoral Students (2024-2025)

The application for The EG Fellowships for Doctoral Students (2024-25) is open now!!!

These are open to PhD students from Germany and abroad who have at least a Masters level degree in history, theology or another discipline which works historically. They must have been pursuing their doctorate for no more than three years at the time of the application deadline, substantiated exceptions to this rule are possible. As a research institution that is not part of a university, the Institute does not hold any examinations and does not award any academic qualifications. Dissertations are completed under the supervision of the fellowship holder’s supervisor at their home university.


The primary academic advisor mails an up-to-date reference directly to the IEG by the application deadline to: fellowship@ieg-mainz.de

The letter of reference should discuss (please avoid a general letter of recommendation):
– The applicant’s academic qualifications
– Topic matter, goal and current state of the PhD project
– A synopsis of work to be done in Mainz along with possible time and work schedules

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